We know how critical a positive anesthesia experience is to the overall satisfaction of a patient. At Greater Anesthesia Solutions, we pride ourselves on bringing quality, professional services to the hospitals, surgery centers, medical and dental offices, and patients we work with. Below you will find a list of some of the services we offer.

& Quality

Cross Disciplinary

Cost &

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to
exceptional healthcare
Cardiovascular & Thoracic Anesthesia (CVT)
GAS consists of cardiovascular anesthesia clinicians who provide state of the art clinical expertise in addition to compassionate care.
Full spectrum cardiac anesthesia services including:
CVT Anesthesia Services Include:
Adult valve replacement
Arrhythmia surgery
Lung surgery
Electrophysiology surgery
Open and endoluminal repair of aortic aneurysm surgery
Adult coronary artery bypass surgery
Cath lab procedures
Obstetric Anesthesia
Highly trained in providing expectant mothers the safest and most comfortable birthing experience, we offer techniques that ease labor pain, such as epidurals and spinal injections. Giving expectant mothers the options of patient-controlled or even “walking” epidurals is part of our focus in providing a great and memorable birthing experience.
For those mothers requiring cesarean sections, we implement techniques that allow for a safe and comfortable experience knowing that a quick recovery from anesthesia allows the new mother to more readily care for her newborn.
Bariatric Anesthesia for Weight Loss Surgery
Understanding complex weight loss surgery and the unique anesthesia needs for this procedure is vital to successful weight loss surgery. Our anesthesia providers are some of the most experienced in the Southwest. We are proud to be part of the operating room teams that have earned the Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence designation.
Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
With the devastating toll of opiates in our society, Greater Anesthesia Solutions continues to spearhead and implement anesthesia techniques that minimize the usage of opiates/narcotics. Patient comfort and quicker recovery after surgery can often be achieved through peripheral nerve blockade. Our providers are experts in utilizing advanced ultrasound-guided nerve block techniques that help alleviate pain and minimize, or even eliminate, the need for narcotic pain medication.
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
With more procedures being performed in the outpatient surgery setting, successful anesthesiology clinicians must adapt to this fast-moving environment.
Key to maximizing operating room utilization are safe and efficient anesthesia techniques coupled with shortened turnover times. With this focus on efficiency and safety Greater Anesthesia Solutions foster operating room schedules and processes that produce successful centers with high patient satisfaction.